Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hiking with Sugar

I did my hour Friday at the River Trail, Saturday at the Mall and today around Burke Lake! Here's one picture from my hike Friday.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Walking & Birds

Sugar and I walked the River Trail today and I let her off the leash. She really enjoyed running ahead of me and returning every minute to make sure I was there. It was a beautiful sunny crisp day and we walked for 1 hour.

Here's a picture of our 2 baby cockatiels who are about 2 weeks old. Ugly little buggers!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Walking 1 hour a day for a year!

I just returned from a short trip to Blackwater Falls where I hiked every day. Yesterday, I found a walking trail close to my house, next to the Occoquan River. It was a beautiful walk and I thought "Why don't I walk at least 1 hour every day?".

Here is my goal in black and white: WALK 1 HOUR A DAY FOR 1 YEAR.

Today this will be easy. I'm volunteering at therapeautic riding where I always sidewalk with the horse and rider for at least 1 hour.
I'll use this blog to record how this goes!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Peace in Nature

As I was looking through the photographs I took at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, I happened upon this picture of a painting I liked so much, I took 4 pictures of it. It makes me feel peaceful. Does anyone know who the artist was?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Bluebird Knocking on My Windows

I have a strange bird story. We have a blue bird that's been tapping at various windows in the back of our house for the past few days. This bird is making a concentrated effort to get around -- it was pecking Laura's windows, then the dining room and yesterday, the kitchen. This morning it started pecking on the small windows next to the front door (earlier, it was just pecking on the back windows) -- at first I thought someone was knocking at the door...
I searched the web for cases like this and found a blog that mentioned a superstition that says Bird Flies at the Window, Death Knocks at the Door with lots of comments telling stories of birds doing this before someone dies or something bad happens. Lots of comments said that the birds were angels :-) forewarning you of things to come. The majority of comments said the bird that was doing this was RED.

Anyway, I got wierded out and when the bird knocked on my front window again, I opened the door and the bird flew down to the doorstop, looked at me for a few seconds and then flew away. I looked around and saw a RED cardinal sitting in the bushes next to the door staring at me!

Nature is funny!